
Saturday, October 29

Local Wedding

Today I'm in New Prague for a wedding.  It's nice to have a close one once in a while.

Tuesday, October 18


On Saturday I shot an engagement session in Chester Bowl in Duluth, MN.  Definitely a workout hiking up and down all those rocks and hills.  But I think the pics will be worth it!

Wednesday, October 12

Deals on Facebook

About a week ago I discovered this Facebook feature that lets me put up a deal that can be claimed by clicking on it.  To test it out I put up a deal for $100 off any wedding booked before October 31st, 2011.  It's a bit hard to find which is why nobody has claimed it yet.  If you want to check it out here's a link to the page.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/AvantPhotography/144023158960751?sk=deals

Wednesday, October 5

{Jake Grad Photos}

 Jake brought me to the farm that he works at to take his senior pics, which was a great idea because it captured Jakes personality and passions to a "T"(as in Tractor)... :)  Thanks Jake! 

Saturday, October 1

{Brian and Stacey Wedding Photos}

Brian and Stacey couldn't have picked a better day to tie the knot!  It was perfect!  We had a blast climbing up steep slopes, racing golf carts (...I was hanging on for dear life!!!), and hearing all the fun stories these two have created over the years!  Thanks guys for a great day, and happy married life!